If you’re interested in video conferencing near Scottsdale, AZ, look no further than our services at Bartelt Reporting, LLC. If you’ve been assigned to a video recorded deposition and are unsure about performing one or are recording one for the very first time, we’ve listed out a few tips on how to make the deposition go as smoothly as possible.
- Make sure the time and time zone of your deposition is presented very clearly to those involved.
- If possible, have a videographer and a court reporter with the witness to be sure everything is recorded physically and digitally. A notary will also need to be present to swear in the witness.
- Do your best to anticipate which exhibits you’ll want to show the witness and be sure they’re shipped to the deposition site on time. If you’re leaving that responsibility to the court reporter, make sure they have enough time to get the files out, as they cannot write and hand out papers simultaneously.
- Be aware of the time. You want to make sure you get everything needed out of the deposition, but many public rooms and line bills will be charged by the hour.
- Make sure you inform your firm on if you want to use IP or ISDN with in-house equipment.
- Be prepared for an equipment test the day before to make sure everything is working as it should prior to starting the deposition.