Q: Why should I record a video deposition?
A: Recording video depositions in Scottsdale, AZ and the surrounding areas can be extremely beneficial in cases where you may not have the time or funds to travel for an in-person deposition. A video deposition can also be useful in the event a witness dies so that the testimony can be preserved for legal purposes. If any consultants or legal staff are unable to attend the deposition in person, a video can help them receive better insight from afar as well as review the deposition when necessary.
Q: Who hires the videographer?
A: The videographer can be hired by any attorney or law firm who is a party in the case and/or deposition and is usually the same attorney who set up the deposition. Bartelt Reporting, LLC provides only the most skilled court reporters and videographers for hire in the state of Arizona.
Q: How is my video deposition used in trial?
A: Video depositions in Scottsdale, AZ are utilized in trial due to the absence of a witness for any reason. A recorded deposition will be presented to the court with any objections and overruled questions edited out in advanced. A judge may also order video depositions to be required if the case has many witnesses as a more practical presentation solution.
Q: Can a deposition video be used in place of a live testimony?
A: In short, yes it can. However, it is always preferred that you provide your testimony in person whenever able. As with all technology, there can be errors and relying on video depositions in Scottsdale, AZ when they’re not necessary can result in damaged or distorted audio and video which requires more work on all other parties involved. It also needs to be agreed upon by both side as well as the judge.
Q: How should I prepare for my video deposition?
A: Preparing for video depositions in Scottsdale, AZ is almost exactly the same as preparing for a live deposition with the exception of some presentation issues. Avoid wearing anything that may be harmful to the eye or video feed such as certain bright colors and shiny jewelry. Be sure to act and speak professionally and truthfully. Don’t forget you’re wearing a microphone, as anything whispered or mumbled under your breath can still be picked up.
Q: Can the deposition be edited?
A: Video depositions in Scottsdale, AZ and all of the state are usually edited down to just the segments that are intended to be shown. Objections, overruled questions, and any other unnecessary footage are edited out prior to presentation.