Video depositions are quite common in today’s courtrooms, allowing judges and jurors to evaluate the nonverbal cues of a witness as well as what they have to offer to the case.
This type of legal deposition in Phoenix, AZ is much more compelling and beneficial to the case than mere transcriptions and can be useful in providing additional witness testimonies that would not ordinarily be available due to location, time or monetary constraints.
However, in order for the video deposition to be useful in the case, you want the deposition to be clear, concise and compelling to viewers. You need to ensure that your video equipment is top-quality, that you know how to run a video deposition and that your witness is adequately prepared to make it a case-winning addition.
Here’s how to make the most out of your video depositions.
Check the rules
Before you begin creating video depositions, be sure to check the rules and standards regarding whether lawyers are allowed to record video depositions on their own in your state and what kind of quality the video deposition must have to be upheld in court. Certain states and even cases set guidelines for video presented in the courtroom to ensure an equal standard of quality and clarity.
When beginning the video deposition process, make sure the video and audio technology you’re using appropriately meet these standards.
Control the environment
When it’s time to record your video deposition, double check your equipment is fully functional so there won’t be any technological mishaps. You’ll also want to take time to “set the scene” for the best recording.
Get rid of any distracting objects in the background and keep the video focused on the deponent. Additionally, remove any distracting noises like cell phones ringing and make sure only one person speaks at a time while you’re recording.
Light the witness properly so the video quality remains level and evenly lit. Also, make sure you have any “props” you may need, like a projector or drawing board, ahead of time so the deposition doesn’t get interrupted.
Prepare the deponent
You’ll want to make sure your witness is prepared to give their deposition. If the witness has never been a part of a deposition before, brief them on what to expect and how to act, giving them pointers on body language, speech and other things that can influence a jury’s opinion.
The deponent should speak slowly and clearly and appear relaxed and comfortable throughout the deposition. Tell them to avoid long pauses in speech and speech stutters (such as “um” or “okay”) as much as possible. They should also avoid moving around a lot and making strange facial expressions.
Finally, ensure your witness wears clothing appropriate for the deposition and looks professional.
Use a professional videographer and transcription service in Phoenix, AZ
Have the video deposition transcribed by a professional transcription service in Phoenix, AZ and incorporate the transcription into the video for the best possible viewing experience. This also allows the video and its contents to be searched quickly, finding key sections of the deposition to show or review before and during the case.
If you’re in need of professional assistance for your legal deposition in Phoenix, AZ, call Bartelt | Nix Reporting, LLC. Our court reporting firm has experience in video conferencing, video depositions, court reporting and more.