Bartelt | Nix Reporting, LLC

Witnesses and Social Media: A Potentially Damaging Combination

If attorneys had their way, their clients and witnesses would never use social media of any kind—it would make their jobs significantly easier. However, the reality is that Facebook has nearly 2 billion active users, and Twitter processes nearly 340 million tweets per day. What is particularly dangerous about social media postings is that they are much more permanent than a phone call or a comment made in person, and can easily be made public.

Anyone involved in ongoing legal matters, including witnesses, must be careful about what they post on their social media platforms, as any information they share could be used against them in their court cases. Whether you’re testifying in person or during a video deposition in Phoenix, AZ, your social media posts are fair game!

For witnesses who do not intend to deactivate or stop using their accounts, here are some general rules they should follow when using social media:

For more information about best practices to use on social media if you’re involved as a witness or participant in any type of legal matter, we encourage you to contact Bartelt | Nix Reporting, LLC. We’d be glad to discuss services such as video deposition in Phoenix, AZ with you soon!