As busy lawyers, a significant amount of time is spent traveling—to and from court, the office, other lawyers’ offices and meeting with clients. Today more than ever, it’s important to have videoconferencing solutions that allow users in multiple locations to be able to communicate. It’s both time- and money-saving, and provides a higher level of service to the client.
Of course, given the sensitive, private information that litigation involves, using software with enhanced security is a must. At Bartelt | Nix Reporting, LLC, we use three different tools for video depositions in Phoenix, AZ. Here’s an overview of what they are and how they work.
LiveNote is a Thomson Reuters product that allows firms to broadcast audio, video and text from a deposition stream in real time. You can allow other attorneys to view the deposition and give input without actually having to be in the room. The proceedings will also be recorded for additional accuracy and playback.
LiveNote also allows integration with the case management software Case Notebook, making it easy to access all your case information in one place.
LiveLitigation offers similar services: secure videoconferencing, live depositions, paperless exhibits and a private, non-discoverable chat feature. It also has mobile apps so you can truly stay connected from anywhere, anytime.
The “Local Realtime” feature allows lawyers to access court reporters’ live feeds and highlight or annotate the text of the transcript.
Finally, although it’s not specifically designed with lawyers and depositions in mind, Zoom is a great teleconferencing tool. It offers different levels of security and encryption, including a setting that makes it HIPAA compliant.
Zoom is a good way to record and broadcast video depositions in Phoenix, AZ, although you will need a court reporter to create a transcript. It also allows screen sharing, which is useful for sharing exhibits or notes between attorneys.
Zoom can be a good way to allow a witness to appear remotely, rather than forcing them to travel (or traveling to them.)
Other benefits of video depositions and teleconferencing
Using video has significant advantages over relying on text and phone. As you know, observing a witness’s demeanor is a key part of the deposition and discovery process—sometimes facial expressions and gestures can give an entirely contrary impression to the words they’re saying.
The same goes for inter-firm and lawyer/client relations—video feels more personal. Clients typically divulge more information when they feel comfortable, and video allows them a more personal connection to their attorney. Seeing the human behind the screen helps us all communicate better, all while saving time and money.
Video depositions in Phoenix, AZ
Every lawyer knows the importance of thorough, accurate and complete transcripts in both depositions and courtroom proceedings. Hiring competent and skilled court reporters is crucial to preserve the record. At Bartelt | Nix Reporting, LLC, we hold our staff to the highest standards. In addition to traditional court reporting, we also offer video conferencing and deposition services. Call us today to learn more.