Bartelt | Nix Reporting, LLC

Remote Depositions During the COVID-19 Crisis

COVID-19, or coronavirus, has shut many of the nation’s courthouses down, and as people are transitioning to work-from-home environments, remote deposition services in Phoenix, AZ are more important than ever. Since we’ve all been cautioned to stay home to avoid the spread of COVID-19, lawyers have to get creative to avoid losing time and clients.

For many attorneys, it’s hard to break the familiar habit of deposing witnesses while you’re in the same room. Most have been trained to follow a specific procedure—and procedural rules—that don’t always translate well to remote conferencing. However, if you consider this an opportunity to try remote depositions, you might be pleased with the time- and money-saving benefits of not needing to travel.

Navigating remote depositions

Remote depositions are increasing in popularity across the nation, and this was the case even before the COVID-19 crisis. They save money and time on travel, which is particularly great when you’re coordinating deposition witnesses in multiple faraway locations. Here’s how to navigate this new territory:

With a little practice, remote depositions can become second nature.

Remote deposition service in Phoenix, AZ

Bartelt | Nix Reporting, LLC has been at the forefront of court reporting innovations since 1972. Our team of highly-trained court reporters is also skilled at appearing at and recording remote depositions, videoconferences, and more. Let us help your firm navigate the COVID-19 crisis with our quality court reporting service in Phoenix, AZ—in any circumstance. Call us today to learn more about our remote depositions and other services.