Bartelt | Nix Reporting, LLC

How to Prepare for a Deposition

Preparing for a deposition in Phoenix, AZ can make or break your case. Any attorney worth their salt knows that planning for every possibility they can think of makes it easier to handle issues as they arise—and any surprises that might occur, too. However, witnesses can prepare for the deposition as well. The better you understand what’s going on in the case, the more helpful a witness and the more accurate a reporter can be.

Here are the best deposition preparation tips in Phoenix, AZ.

What is a deposition and why are they taken?

A deposition is part of the “discovery” phase of a case, where opposing parties exchange relevant information. Depositions are taken under oath. A witness is sworn in, and attorneys from the opposing party ask them questions. It’s similar to a court trial, but the rules of evidence are different. It’s important that witnesses, attorneys and court reporters are as prepared and accurate as possible, because the deposition testimony can be used against the witness or party in court.

Depositions are only taken in civil cases. In criminal court, similar proceedings are called preliminary hearings, and are conducted in open court. Depositions, on the other hand, are a fact-finding mission: the opposing party wants to find evidence to use in support of their case or against the other party. The attorneys may want you to commit to a certain version of the facts, or get testimony they can use to discredit the witness or the case later on.

Preparing for a deposition

If you’re a witness, your attorney should go over what to expect from the proceeding. They’ll discuss what they expect from opposing counsel, among other issues. Here’s an overview of what you can do to be prepared:

For Phoenix’s most accurate and reliable court reporters, who are always well prepared for a deposition, call Bartelt | Nix Reporting, LLC today.