We’ve gotten used to remote depositions during the pandemic—but that doesn’t mean you should become complacent. When you’re getting ready to conduct your next remote deposition, consider these important reminders and tips. Not only will they help you to put your best foot forward, they’ll ensure that you’re as relaxed, calm and comfortable as possible. That translates well into your deposition performance!
Here are our best reminders and tips for your next remote deposition.
- Check the local rules: Depending on where your remote deposition is taking place, you may have different local rules than you’re used to. Take the time to brush up on what you need to know, and inform your clients or colleagues of any applicable issues. This will ensure that you always look and are well-prepared, no matter what happens during the remote deposition.
- Test your connection and software: All of us have experienced the sudden and horrific technological fail at work. To ensure that this doesn’t happen during a crucial deposition, test the connection and software with a colleague well before the date. That way, you’ll have plenty of opportunity to fix issues before it’s showtime.
- Try an ethernet connection: Sometimes Wi-Fi is simply not efficient for high-speed streaming endeavors. In that case, use your ethernet cable to conduct your remote deposition. It will help make sure that you’re not only connected the entire time, but that the internet speed can support the proceedings.
- Consider your appearance: When you’re conducting a remote deposition, make sure that you consider how you appear. It’s best to choose a plain background, so there’s nothing distracting. Counsel witnesses to do the same—and make sure they show you where they’ll sit—to ensure that there’s nothing that could appear incriminating.
- Choose a quiet space: Similarly, you need to choose a quiet space to conduct a remote deposition. Firms like Bartelt | Nix Reporting, LLC have quiet, private meeting spaces—free of distractions and guaranteed to have a great internet connection.
- Practice with your witnesses: Witness prep is important no matter where the deposition takes place. Remote depositions are just different. Take the opportunity to teach your witness how remote proceedings can be different. For example, they might not realize that they need to give a bit of a buffer to ensure the lawyer is done asking a question.
- Talk to your court reporter: Make sure that you talk to your court reporter about their expectations and requirements for the proceeding. Understanding what a court reporter needs can make your proceeding a lot easier.
- Submit exhibits early: Whenever possible, mark and submit exhibits early. It might not have the same “wow” factor, but it saves a lot of time in remote depositions.
- Coordinate with opposing counsel: Finally, don’t forget to coordinate with opposing counsel when appropriate. You never know how they might make your life easier.
For remote deposition services, court reporters and tips, contact Bartelt | Nix Reporting, LLC today.