Bartelt | Nix Reporting, LLC

Dos and Don’ts for Video Depositions

Video depositions are a great tool for lawyers in Phoenix, AZ. Not only will you get witnesses testifying on the record, but you’ll also have the benefit of capturing their facial expressions and body language. These nonverbal cues can be quite telling, and aren’t available in a written record.

If you’ve never done a video deposition before, there are a few things you should consider before getting started. Following this list of dos and don’ts will help ensure a smooth experience:

Keeping these tips in mind will ensure you get the results you need from your video deposition in Phoenix, AZ. If you have any other questions, talk to your court reporter and videographer before the proceedings start.

When you need to hire the best court reporting agency in Phoenix, AZ, reach out to the team at Bartelt | Nix Reporting, LLC. We have everything you need for a successful deposition.