Bartelt | Nix Reporting, LLC

The Benefits of Remote Depositions

The COVID-19 pandemic has certainly highlighted the benefits of remote depositions. Even with a serious pandemic raging, lawyers, witnesses, judges and court staff were able to keep the wheels of justice turning. As the pandemic winds down and more of the population gets vaccinated, we’ll largely see a return to in-person proceedings. However, remote depositions are here to stay—and that’s a good thing. Here are the main benefits of remote depositions, even when you’re not in lockdown.

Future projections

During the worst days of the pandemic, about 90 percent of depositions took place remotely. However, experts are predicting that they’ll still be used even after the pandemic is completely over: they project about 50 percent of depositions will be remote in the near future. Will that number rise as technological advances make it easier to connect? Only time will tell. One thing is for certain, however: if you’re an attorney, understanding how to conduct remote depositions is the key to future success.

Why remote depositions are here to stay

Here’s a closer look at how the benefits of remote depositions during the COVID-19 pandemic have made it more likely they’ll stick around for years to come:

In short, there are many benefits of remote depositions that guarantee they’ll be around for a long time to come, well after COVID-19 has passed. Need to hire court reporters for your next one? Call Bartelt | Nix Reporting, LLC today to learn more.