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Seven Tips for Secure Zoom Meetings

January 13, 2022 12:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Client confidentiality remains an ethical obligation and priority in law offices. As remote depositions and conferences become the norm, the situation causes new issues regarding security for Zoom meetings. Zoom security for lawyers requires special handling, since mistakes can lead to bar complaints. Here are seven tips to keep your Zoom meetings secure: Protect with a password: Zoom allows you to password-protect your meetings. Set up a user ID and a unique password for every participant. They will need both to attend the meeting. Send the password through an email or text. Once you conclude the meeting, retire that password... View Article

Legal Document Sharing and Remote Depositions

December 30, 2021 11:59 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

The COVID-19 pandemic changed legal practice entirely, especially in court appearances and depositions. Procedures we took for granted became obsolete as we needed to find new ways for deposition document sharing. Fortunately, remote deposition document sharing evolved with the circumstances, and now, you have options. Here is an overview of remote deposition challenges and their solutions. Remote deposition challenges The biggest challenge with legal technology is its slow evolution. Paperless offices and task automation did not develop as quickly in the legal industry as in many others. Lawyers are frequently reluctant to adopt new technologies, since they are comfortable with... View Article

Ways to Ensure Online Security in Court Reporting

December 16, 2021 7:46 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Online security is crucial in court reporting. While technology makes it easy to transcribe, replicate and store testimony, it’s also more vulnerable to theft and other harm. Thanks to the pandemic, more lawyers and court reporters are working remotely these days. If you neglect your online security, your clients’ privacy could be at risk. The duty of confidentiality Lawyers aren’t the only legal professionals with a duty of confidentiality. Court reporters also need to protect their data. The NCRA’s Code of Professional Ethics requires court reporters to “preserve confidentially and ensure the security of information, oral or written, entrusted to... View Article

The Importance of Using a Professional Legal Videographer in Remote Proceedings

December 2, 2021 7:46 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Remote proceedings are here to stay. This means that if you don’t already have a legal videographer on call for your remote proceedings, you’re missing out on one of the best ways to record testimony. Gone are the days where lawyers had to read impeachment testimony into the record. Now attorneys can play video clips of the testimony instead, which makes a far more compelling case. Why you need a legal videographer The way our society receives and processes information has changed dramatically over the past few decades. Before video became inexpensive and widely available, lawyers would read transcripts into... View Article

The Elements That Make Up a Strong and Effective Remote Deposition

November 15, 2021 6:14 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Remote depositions have been occurring for years now, but they became especially popular during the COVID-19 pandemic. As lawyers and the court systems adjusted to the “new normal,” remote depositions became a smart and safe way to keep the wheels of justice turning, even during lockdown. However, while the elements of a strong deposition stay largely the same, making a remote deposition effective is different. When you’re used to in-person proceedings, this can be a major adjustment. Here’s a closer look at how you can make the most of your next remote deposition: Scope and purpose: Like a regular deposition,... View Article