Contact Us for Video Conference Deposition Services
May 15, 2020 10:43 pm Leave your thoughtsBartelt | Nix Reporting, LLC is prepared for video depositions in Phoenix, AZ. Law is one of the more difficult industries to manage with social distancing, but technological solutions make it easier than if this pandemic had occurred even 10 years ago. However, as we handle the technical side, there are a few things you can do to help us with your online deposition. Here are five tips for video conference depositions:
- Have the right equipment: Our magic only goes so far! For video conference depositions to work, every participant needs their own laptop or desktop computer or mobile device with a camera, microphone or speakers. Best results are from a computer, but a tablet is an acceptable alternative. Mobile phones should only be used as a last resort, as their camera angles and sound quality are often distracting and low quality.
- Discuss exhibits before the deposition: Temporarily gone are the days where you could pass around, share and reveal exhibits during the deposition. That part is a bit more complicated now. Screen sharing is one option—all parties can see the exhibit at once while it is being discussed by the deponent. An easier option is to provide exhibits ahead of time, but you may feel like that eliminates the element of surprise. However you choose to proceed, just make sure you discuss this before the deposition and agree to a method.
- Get dressed: While the prospect of running a deposition in your lounge clothes may be appealing, it is also not the best way to approach it. Dress professionally, but comfortably. Make sure you wear something that can be worn for the whole of the deposition; removing sweaters and jackets is more distracting on video than in person. Avoid wearing black, red, white or any small patterns or shiny fabric. Those colors wash out your complexion and shine, and patterns may flicker on screen. Avoid large, shiny jewelry for the same reason.
- Adjust your presentation: There will be many new and unsettling elements to adapt to. Un-muting your microphone during a Zoom conference makes you the primary display. Only turn off mute when you are speaking so you do not distract attention from the current speaker. Speak slowly and give your name before you initially speak—introductions are more difficult through conferencing. Look at the camera and limit movement. Things that are easily overlooked in an in-person setting disrupt conferences once you are on video.
- Keep it formal: This is legal testimony and a formal record. Therefore, the same formalities that apply to an in-person deposition also apply to video. Conduct the deposition with the door closed to prevent being interrupted by children and pets. This may be cute in viral online videos, but in the formality of legal proceedings, it is merely disruptive. Basically, any behavior that would not be acceptable if you conducted this deposition in your conference room should not occur during a video conference deposition.
For assistance with video depositions in the Phoenix, AZ area, Bartelt | Nix Reporting, LLC is here to help. Our locations in midtown Phoenix, north Phoenix, Scottsdale and Tucson allow for better accessibility to our services. Contact us today to get started on remote depositions.
Categorised in: Video Deposition
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