October 18, 2016 7:53 pm
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For every trial, deposition, or other court proceedings, it is necessary for a court reporter to be present. The work that they do is essential to making sure that everything runs smoothly. The transcript that they produce at the conclusion of the proceedings resolves disputes, keeps everything organized, and can help fill in the gaps in the memory of those involved. Resolves Disputes Occasionally during a trial there will be a dispute about what was said by whom at what time. The court reporter keeps careful record of all of these details so that they can be referenced later. If... View Article
October 2, 2016 8:02 pm
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Remote video depositions play an important role in nearly every trial. Video depositions are interviews that take place in the attorney’s office before the trial begins, and are beneficial for a number of reasons. Helps Attorneys Prepare for Trial The last thing an attorney wants is to be surprised during a trial, especially in the case of witness testimony. When an attorney asks a question at trial, they already know the answer, so if a witness syas something they do not expect, it could derail their questioning and ultimately compromise their case. The deposition is designed so that attorneys can... View Article
September 22, 2016 7:55 pm
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Even with the advent of video recording, court reporters still play a vital role in the justice system. They make meticulous records of many parts of the legal process, including a deposition when attorneys require their services. If you’re recording remote video depositions through video conferencing technology, it’s still worthwhile to hire a court reporter to participate. In the Midst of the Deposition The convenience of remote video depositions allows you to interview clients and witnesses who are states away. While the video is recording everything the person says, you can’t pause and rewind the video in the midst of... View Article
September 1, 2016 7:58 pm
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Like most attorneys, you probably only have so much time in the day to get through a lengthy client list. You want to devote the proper time to each case, but commuting long distances to see each client and witness can take up valuable time. The right video conferencing service can make all the difference when it comes to saving time not just for yourself, but for your clients as well. Use the Right Tools Contact Bartelt Reporting, LLC for your video deposition needs. We offer effective video conferencing in Phoenix, AZ that attorneys have relied on for countless cases.... View Article
August 10, 2016 8:00 pm
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If you’re interested in video conferencing near Scottsdale, AZ, look no further than our services at Bartelt Reporting, LLC. If you’ve been assigned to a video recorded deposition and are unsure about performing one or are recording one for the very first time, we’ve listed out a few tips on how to make the deposition go as smoothly as possible. Make sure the time and time zone of your deposition is presented very clearly to those involved. If possible, have a videographer and a court reporter with the witness to be sure everything is recorded physically and digitally. A notary... View Article