Categories for Video Conference

How to Set up Legal Video Conferencing Services

August 10, 2016 8:00 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

If you’re interested in video conferencing near Scottsdale, AZ, look no further than our services at Bartelt Reporting, LLC. If you’ve been assigned to a video recorded deposition and are unsure about performing one or are recording one for the very first time, we’ve listed out a few tips on how to make the deposition go as smoothly as possible. Make sure the time and time zone of your deposition is presented very clearly to those involved. If possible, have a videographer and a court reporter with the witness to be sure everything is recorded physically and digitally. A notary... View Article

Why Lawyers Should Get on Board with Video Conference Depositions

August 1, 2016 4:46 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Traveling to conduct a deposition can become a complete hassle and an 8 hour or less deposition ends up being an undesired weekend-long trip. Documents and evidence need to be transported plus hotel fees, rental cars, basic amenities, and everything else involved with travel can make conducting your deposition exhausting. Fortunately, more and more courts are allowing video conference depositions to take place. Though these video depositions are becoming more and more prevalent, some lawyers still refuse them. They may say they need to observe all reactions and cues from the witness or that they don’t want the witness studying... View Article

The Video Conferencing Advantage

June 7, 2016 8:04 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

When you’re in need of video conference service in Phoenix, AZ and the surrounding area, Bartelt|Nix Reporting, LLC has you covered. Video teleconferencing can be beneficial for numerous reasons, especially from a legal standpoint. It allows individuals to not only record a deposition but also view and share exhibits remotely. With video conference service in Phoenix, AZ you’ll never have to worry about missing an important legal appointment or being unable to provide the proper information in a timely manner. By utilizing our video teleconference services, there is no need to spend additional time and money traveling to present evidence... View Article

Benefits of Video Conferencing

May 15, 2016 7:54 pm Published by 1 Comment

When you’re in need of court reporting services, but are unable to drive the distance or successfully arrange a convenient time for all parties involved, call Bartelt Reporting, LLC and schedule a video conference deposition. Video conferencing allows you to communicate via video with individuals located anywhere in the world. We provide the tools that will allow you to record or share your deposition remotely and through our video conferencing software, you can access instant video conferences and share files with all parties involved. All of the necessary audio and video equipment is provided by us, so you’ll never have... View Article