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How To Prepare Witnesses for Virtual Proceedings

June 5, 2022 12:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

There are multiple ways to prepare witnesses for virtual cases that prosecutors have used for many years. However, virtual operations have complicated matters, especially during the current technological dispensation. Therefore, here are helpful tips on preparing witnesses virtually.  1. Analyze Your Remote Technology Technology is critical for a virtual trial. If any part of your technology is not secure or does not work, it will directly impact the outcome of your case. Therefore, prosecutors need to understand how their technology works and the potential risks. For example, if you are using Zoom to present evidence, you need to be aware of... View Article

5 Ways Tech Helps Simplify Complex Court Cases

June 5, 2022 12:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

As a concerned party, it’s essential to develop unique ways to simplify court cases with tech so that all the vital aspects can proceed as expected. Today, technology has been introduced in the courtroom as a fundamental way to address the challenges that individuals are experiencing in various sectors. You can incorporate the following strategies and learn how to simplify complex court cases.  1. Incorporate Paperless Exhibits Paperless exhibits are one of the ways you can use to simplify complex court cases. Lawyers and other concerned parties will not have to carry around bulky files. In addition, the paperless exhibits can... View Article

What Is the Difference Between In-Person and Remote Depositions

April 28, 2022 12:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Legal depositions are a critical part of the legal process. They allow attorneys to gather crucial information in video format that is every bit as important as in-person witness testimony. In fact, legally, there is no difference in their merit once a case makes it to the courtroom. However, getting a remote deposition is different from an in-person one. When you do a deposition in-person, you have the person right there in front of you, asking them questions that they answer relevant to the case at hand.  With a remote deposition, the person is not there in person for whatever reason,... View Article

5 Handy Tips for Scheduling Remote Depositions

April 28, 2022 12:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

The deposition scheduling process can have different moving pieces, from the witness’s and counsel’s schedules all the way through to arranging a videographer, a court reporter, or even an interpreter. After that, you need to search for an appropriate location, schedule remote deposition tips, arrange for exhibits, set up some of the special services, and later plan for the needed technology that is required to ensure that the deposition runs smoothly. Before scheduling any deposition, you need to understand the tips for scheduling a deposition so that it can run smoothly. Video and Transcript Delivery The transcript times change amongst most... View Article

How a Court Reporter Can Help Win a Case

April 28, 2022 12:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

There is no way lawyers will remember everything that has been said in court. While they may be able to follow the gist of the proceeding, the gist is just not enough to win a case. Sharp attorneys realize just how valuable court reporters can be. Even though at one time, the court would provide a professional to document the court proceedings, factors like changing priorities and budget cuts have left a lot of attorneys on their own. As an attorney, you can help your case by hiring a court reporter. What Does a Court Reporter Do? To understand how... View Article