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Exhibit Handling at Remote Depositions

January 11, 2021 6:28 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, remote depositions are prevalent. This requires attorneys and court reporters to become adept at handling exhibits for remote depositions in Phoenix, AZ. Understanding how to use technology to simulate in-person courtroom or pre-trial procedures is “the new normal.” If you’re coming up on your first remote deposition or just need electronic exhibit tips, read on. Decide how you’ll present exhibits You can either give your exhibits to opposing counsel before the day of the deposition, or wait until the deposition itself. Decide how you’re going to handle the exhibits well in advance so you can... View Article

How to Prepare for a Deposition

December 24, 2020 7:49 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Preparing for a deposition in Phoenix, AZ can make or break your case. Any attorney worth their salt knows that planning for every possibility they can think of makes it easier to handle issues as they arise—and any surprises that might occur, too. However, witnesses can prepare for the deposition as well. The better you understand what’s going on in the case, the more helpful a witness and the more accurate a reporter can be. Here are the best deposition preparation tips in Phoenix, AZ. What is a deposition and why are they taken? A deposition is part of the... View Article

Best Data Security Practices for Court Reporters

December 10, 2020 7:49 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

As a court reporter, you’re privy to a great deal of sensitive, confidential information. Keeping that data and the record secure is one of the most important parts of the job. The National Court Reporters Associations’ Code of Professional Ethics states that court reporters must “preserve the confidentiality and ensure the security of information, oral or written, entrusted to the Member by any of the parties in a proceeding.” This includes work product stored or sent from your devices. Today, most court reporters use digital devices, which means that if the devices are compromised, that sensitive data could be exposed.... View Article

Transcriber vs. Court Reporter: What’s the Difference?

November 19, 2020 1:13 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Court reporters and transcriptionists are both responsible for transcribing spoken word to text. Court reporters, however, are specifically trained to transcribe live court proceedings, while transcriptionists often take dictation. Even the machinery is different—court reporters have their own special keyboards that enable them to type sounds and keep up with proceedings in real time. Here are the major differences between transcription vs. court reporting in Phoenix, AZ: How and where the transcription takes place: As noted above, while both transcribers and court reporters transcribe spoken word to written text, there are major differences in how they do their jobs. Transcribers... View Article

How Technology Is Changing Today’s Court Reporting Services

November 5, 2020 1:13 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Today’s technology is changing video conferencing opportunities in Phoenix, AZ, which means court reporting is faster, easier and more accurate than ever. Gone are the days where a trial in another county or state requires travel. With video conferencing software, it’s easier to connect to other parties for depositions and other procedures. Technology has also helped the legal profession continue to work through the COVID-19 pandemic—although there were slowdowns initially, courts and law firms were able to adapt, largely thanks to video conferencing. How video conferencing helps court reporters Here’s how the use of video conferencing for court reporting is... View Article