September 7, 2019 2:16 am
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Court reporters are an important part of the legal process. They are highly trained stenographers who transcribe court proceedings verbatim. This includes depositions, arbitrations and jury trials. Their records are relied upon during a case as a true and accurate portrayal of the proceedings, and can be entered into evidence—so it’s important to not only pick a skilled court reporter, but also make sure that you’ve chosen a reporter with the right kind of court reporting certification in Phoenix, AZ for your needs. Education and Training The training requirements for a court reporter vary, depending on their specialization. On average,... View Article
May 23, 2019 7:43 pm
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When preparing for court, legal teams on both sides require precise and accurate documentation from which they can begin to build the case for their clients. As a result, these entities must rely heavily on the skills of court reporters in Phoenix, AZ, as even a single detail being missed can change the complexion of the court proceedings. Read on to learn about the top four traits that every court reporter will need to achieve success in this field: Discipline: Court reporting school in itself can be difficult, especially for those who may be taking night classes because they have... View Article
April 17, 2019 9:09 pm
Published by Writer
You might have recently sent a text that you used the voice-to-text feature to “write” while driving to work. This type of voice recording technology is just another example of how technology has simplified our lives. Still, many are wary about advances in technology that could potentially make jobs extinct. Voice recording could, for example, cut down on the need for people like court reporters. Before you worry that traditional court reporting in Phoenix, AZ has had its day, check out a few reasons why it’s likely that court reporters don’t need to fear that they’ll be phased out by... View Article
March 11, 2019 5:41 pm
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As you are likely aware, accuracy in court reporting isn’t just important—it’s mandatory. This goes for everything from the words said by a person in a court setting to the punctuation used in a sentence. As tempting as it can be to try to correct the grammar in transcriptions, everything must remain exactly as the person spoke it. Here’s some information about the importance of punctuation in court reporting in Phoenix, AZ. Navigating the challenges of written versus verbal communication One of the many difficult aspects of a court reporter’s job is figuring out how to accurately transcribe exactly what’s... View Article
January 10, 2019 7:20 pm
Published by Writer
The job of a court reporter is demanding and often difficult. They must be constantly attentive and ready for anything that might be said or done in the courtroom, and their fingers must respond quickly and accurately to those occurrences. It should come as no surprise, then, that there are many different types of challenges a court reporter will face in his or her daily work. It’s important for any court reporter who wishes to have a long, successful and enjoyable career to be able to navigate those challenges and quickly find the best solutions for the problems they face.... View Article