November 1, 2021 6:13 pm
Published by Writer
Picking a place for a deposition is one of the keys to its success. You need a place where you can focus, without visual or audible distractions. You’ll also need electricity and internet hookups, depending on your technological needs. The right space for a deposition can be tricky to find—but with this guide, you should be able to find a place that works for you. Here are some factors in picking a place for a deposition: Convenient location: When you’re choosing a spot for your deposition, consider how far everyone has to travel. If all parties and witnesses are located... View Article
October 15, 2021 7:05 am
Published by Writer
As an attorney, you’ve probably already learned how body language impacts deposition performance. Maybe you’ve spent years taking Courtroom as Theatre classes or just plain public speaking courses. Either way, when your hands shake, your face gets red and your voice comes out as a squeak, you know that it can affect your performance. Not only do juries and witnesses perceive you differently, but you’re less confident. Body language can affect your deposition performance. Here’s how to improve your performance. Make good eye contact: One of the ways that we evaluate a person’s honesty is whether they can make eye... View Article
October 1, 2021 7:05 am
Published by Writer
We’ve gotten used to remote depositions during the pandemic—but that doesn’t mean you should become complacent. When you’re getting ready to conduct your next remote deposition, consider these important reminders and tips. Not only will they help you to put your best foot forward, they’ll ensure that you’re as relaxed, calm and comfortable as possible. That translates well into your deposition performance! Here are our best reminders and tips for your next remote deposition. Check the local rules: Depending on where your remote deposition is taking place, you may have different local rules than you’re used to. Take the time... View Article
September 13, 2021 11:11 pm
Published by Writer
If you’re trying to save money on litigation, you might try to cut corners whenever possible. Recording depositions should not be one of those cuts. Videotaping depositions is necessary for a few very important reasons. In fact, some people argue that if a deposition isn’t important enough for you to videotape, then it’s probably not important enough for you to take in the first place. Thinking about skipping a video recording? Here are three reasons why videotaping depositions is so important. You—and the jury—will get a sense of tone Court reporters provide accurate and detailed written transcripts of proceedings. Unfortunately,... View Article
August 30, 2021 11:11 pm
Published by Writer
The COVID-19 pandemic has certainly highlighted the benefits of remote depositions. Even with a serious pandemic raging, lawyers, witnesses, judges and court staff were able to keep the wheels of justice turning. As the pandemic winds down and more of the population gets vaccinated, we’ll largely see a return to in-person proceedings. However, remote depositions are here to stay—and that’s a good thing. Here are the main benefits of remote depositions, even when you’re not in lockdown. Future projections During the worst days of the pandemic, about 90 percent of depositions took place remotely. However, experts are predicting that they’ll... View Article