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Web-Based Deposition Services in Phoenix, AZ: The Importance of Video Conferencing

June 20, 2018 10:45 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Are you taking full advantage of all the technology available to attorneys today? If not, you are missing out on key benefits that could make every case smoother, more efficient and more successful. One of the most useful tools attorneys should be utilizing is web-based deposition services in Phoenix, AZ. Why? It offers unique advantages. Consider the following benefits and best practices to use video conferencing to enhance your practice. Benefits of Web-Based Deposition Services in Phoenix, AZ Remote access: Many cases involve individuals who are in locations far from your office or the courthouse. How can you depose them?... View Article

Real Time Reporting of Testimonies: The Importance of Having a Court Reporter in Phoenix, AZ

June 6, 2018 10:44 pm Published by 1 Comment

Court proceedings are often lengthy and complex. Multiple testimonies and extended proceedings can make it difficult to keep all the information organized and accessible. That’s why court reporters in Phoenix, AZ are so important. They provide clear documentation of the courtroom proceedings for later reference. Real-time reporting makes this service even more beneficial. How? Real-time reporting allows the court reporter to use technology to convert his or her stenographic notes to text. This gives the court and attorneys immediate access to the testimony given. The court reporter in Phoenix, AZ uses a cable between their computer and the attorney’s, a... View Article

Top Techniques for Legal Depositions in Phoenix, AZ

May 23, 2018 8:04 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Legal depositions in Phoenix, AZ are crucial components to court cases. They can prove extremely helpful… or take your case in a poor direction. This is why it is essential to use the best techniques possible during legal depositions. With the right practices, an attorney can unearth truth from witnesses and overcome any hurdles the opposing attorney puts in their path. For your next legal deposition in Phoenix, AZ, use the following methods to help build a solid case. Demonstrate Witness Competency It’s often too easy for witnesses to fall back on an inability to recall information or a lack... View Article

Workers’ Compensation Attorneys Benefit from Legal Transcription Service in Phoenix, AZ

May 9, 2018 8:04 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Are you familiar with the intricacies of workers’ compensation? If a workers’ compensation case is filed, the resulting proceedings quickly become very complex. Extensive paperwork is required to document each piece of the process. As a result, legal transcription services in Phoenix, AZ become an invaluable tool for these cases. The 10,000-Piece Puzzle Attorneys who are involved in workers’ compensation cases must keep up with myriad moving parts. They must remain familiar with current laws. They must understand the details of the workers’ compensation policies that are in place. They must investigate and learn the specific circumstances of the injury... View Article

Email Etiquette Legal Experts Should Know

April 24, 2018 4:45 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Legal transcription in Phoenix, AZ is utilized in the courtroom during legal proceedings to transcribe everything from spoken word into printed text. All the transcribing in the courtroom is done by certified court reporters (also called stenographers). After legal transcription has been documented, an attorney may need to communicate some of the transcribed information to their client or to other legal officials. If you’re conducting legal business through email, then it’s important to remain mannerly and professional. Here are five email etiquette tips that every legal expert should know: Subject lines are a must: We’ve all received a few emails... View Article