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The Court Reporter Transcription Process

September 6, 2018 8:41 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Watch any crime drama and chances are you’ll see the same main characters in the courtroom; judge, jury, defendant, plaintiff, lawyers, witnesses and even the bailiff. One character you won’t always see is the court reporter. The court reporter may seem like an afterthought in the courtroom, but they are actually an essential component of the legal system. The court reporter is responsible for recording transcripts of conversations and legal proceedings in the courtroom. These transcripts are important to all the other players in the room. So, how does a court reporter perform his or her important task? As a... View Article

The Equipment Your Videographer Needs

August 16, 2018 9:45 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Everything spoken during a legal deposition is delivered to attorneys in the form of a transcript. This provides vital, yet incomplete, information. The fact is that video conveys much more than just words on a page. Everything from a person’s body language to their tone of voice to how long they take to answer questions is evident from a video, but you don’t get all of this when all you have is a transcript. Yet, if you don’t have a professional and skilled legal videographer in Phoenix, AZ, the video may not be worth much. Having the right equipment is... View Article

Improving Documentation to Strengthen Legal Claims

August 2, 2018 9:44 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Documentation is a critical part of any legal practice. This is particularly the case when it comes to business dealings. Understanding how to handle a legal deposition in Phoenix, AZ is essential, whether you’re taking a case to trial or plan to settle out of court. Requirements vary from state to state, and ensuring that every detail is correct will be essential when the documentation is scrutinized. Experienced attorneys hone their skills in preparing legal documentation. As a client, it’s helpful to have a legal team that isn’t just expert in deposition services in Phoenix, AZ, but also can cut... View Article

Why It’s Important to Work with a Professional Transcription Service in Phoenix, AZ

July 23, 2018 5:15 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Many law firms and other major corporate firms rely on professional transcription services in Phoenix, AZ for their professionalism and accuracy. If you’ve ever wondered why these services are so indispensable, consider the popular children’s game “telephone,” a game that’s often used in professional contexts as an icebreaker at retreats and training events. In the game, players will stand in a circle and pass a phrase from person to person, whispering it in the ear of the person next to them. The idea is to keep the phrase the same from beginning to end, but it almost always results in... View Article

Your Deposition Checklist

July 9, 2018 5:15 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Your performance at a deposition can have a massive influence on your ability to win your case. Therefore, it’s important to come into a deposition as prepared as possible. There will be dozens of questions you’ll want to have answered, but that doesn’t mean you need to stick to a script for the entire deposition—you should be prepared to deviate and improvise based on your witness’s answers and behavior, and take on new lines of questioning as needed. The best way to ensure you address everything you want to cover is to create a checklist ahead of time. This will... View Article