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What to Know When Hiring a Legal Firm for Court Reporting in Tucson, AZ

February 12, 2018 4:58 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

If you ever find yourself in need of court reporting in Tucson, AZ and the surrounding areas, it is important to know how to find a reputable and professional firm. At Bartelt Reporting, LLC, we strive to provide the absolute best court reporting services not only for the state of Arizona, but nationwide through our video deposition options. When you seek a professional in court reporting in Tucson, AZ we’ve listed a few important things you should be aware of before hiring the right one. Check Qualifications and Experience Any good court reporting company will have many years of experience... View Article

FAQ on Video Depositions in Scottsdale, AZ and Surrounding Areas

February 12, 2018 4:57 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Q: Why should I record a video deposition? A: Recording video depositions in Scottsdale, AZ and the surrounding areas can be extremely beneficial in cases where you may not have the time or funds to travel for an in-person deposition. A video deposition can also be useful in the event a witness dies so that the testimony can be preserved for legal purposes. If any consultants or legal staff are unable to attend the deposition in person, a video can help them receive better insight from afar as well as review the deposition when necessary. Q: Who hires the videographer?... View Article

How to Keep Your Case-Related Documents Efficiently Organized

January 26, 2017 7:59 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

The best firm for court reporting Tucson, AZ has to offer is available for more than just court cases. At Bartelt Reporting, we offer a variety of other legal service such as transcriptions for depositions and video conferences. Our firm can help you keep track of all of your legal documents and proceedings by allowing you to stay organized with simplified services. Rely on Video Bartelt Reporting offers confidential video conferencing services for depositions, meetings, and more. You’re left with an easily accessible digital record that takes up absolutely no office space. By opting for a video deposition, you can... View Article

How Relying on Video Depositions Can Save Time

January 1, 2017 7:57 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Juggling everything you have to do to prep for a court case between other responsibilities in your life means you have to make the most of every moment and you’re always rushing to get things done. When it comes to arranging depositions, relying on video conference depositions is the secret to saving yourself some time on legal proceedings. No Travel Arrangements Holding a video conference deposition means you won’t have to travel to meet in-person if that person lives out of the area or if you simply don’t have the time/finances to travel to meet them. That means less spent... View Article

Tips for Choosing a Legal Videographer

December 15, 2016 8:04 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

If you are in need of a legal videographer in Tucson, AZ, you may be wondering where to start or what qualifications to look for. The following tips will help you choose the professional who’s right for you. Look for experience. Your deposition is extremely important, so you need to make you look for a videographer with experience and an established track record. Ask about equipment. Check to see that your videographer is using the most up-to-date, high definition video equipment. That equipment should not only include the video recording equipment, but also the means to video-synch your deposition. Look... View Article