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4 Video Deposition Tips

December 2, 2016 7:52 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

It can often be necessary to give a deposition via video. When this is the case, you want to put your best foot forward. While it’s your testimony that’s the most important, the quality of your video and how you present yourself can help you come across as collected and professional. The following tips will help you appropriately prepare for your video deposition. Choose an Appropriate Setting Video and web conferencing has made it easier and more convenient to give video depositions. However, just because you can give a deposition from your favorite local coffee shop, it doesn’t mean you... View Article

Legal Arbitrations

November 15, 2016 8:01 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

After representing a number of clients in what are often contentious divorce cases, an amicable divorce case can be a breath of fresh air. Considering how agreeable both parties are being, you might try to save your firm and your client some money by forgoing services you wouldn’t otherwise consider skipping. However, when it comes to court reporting, you should have a transcriptionist present regardless of how well the case seems to be going. It May Not Stay Amicable When securing services in court reporting, Tucson, AZ area firms know they’re really guaranteeing an indisputable record of the events. Every... View Article

Why Choose our Specialized Service for Your Video Conferencing

November 1, 2016 8:06 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

When it comes to video conferencing, you might think due to the variety of online services that are free you don’t need to look into a law firm that offers all of the necessary equipment for your video depositions. However, these free services are not meant for confidential information being passed back and forth. That’s why it’s necessary to invest in a specialized and modern law firm instead of relying on the freebies found online, which are frowned upon by most firms in the first place. Security When looking for video conferencing, Tucson, AZ area law firms offering these services... View Article

Benefits of Having a Written Transcript at Trial

October 18, 2016 7:53 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

For every trial, deposition, or other court proceedings, it is necessary for a court reporter to be present. The work that they do is essential to making sure that everything runs smoothly. The transcript that they produce at the conclusion of the proceedings resolves disputes, keeps everything organized, and can help fill in the gaps in the memory of those involved. Resolves Disputes Occasionally during a trial there will be a dispute about what was said by whom at what time. The court reporter keeps careful record of all of these details so that they can be referenced later. If... View Article

The Benefits of Remote Video Depositions

October 2, 2016 8:02 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Remote video depositions play an important role in nearly every trial. Video depositions are interviews that take place in the attorney’s office before the trial begins, and are beneficial for a number of reasons. Helps Attorneys Prepare for Trial The last thing an attorney wants is to be surprised during a trial, especially in the case of witness testimony. When an attorney asks a question at trial, they already know the answer, so if a witness syas something they do not expect, it could derail their questioning and ultimately compromise their case. The deposition is designed so that attorneys can... View Article